›› 2024, Vol. 38 ›› Issue (3): 109-115.

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Study on thermal transport performance of field-coordinated torsion screw


  • Received:2023-09-01 Revised:2023-09-18 Online:2024-03-26 Published:2024-03-26

Abstract: The thermal transport characteristics of the innovatively proposed field-coordinated torsion screw at different rotational speeds were simulated and analyzed through numerical simulation using the Polyflow software, and their thermal transport performance was systematically investigated through combining parameters such as temperature distribution, convective heat transfer coefficient, viscosity, pressure, etc. and compared with conventional screws as well. The results indicated that the temperature uniformity of the field-coordinated torsion screw with a torsion structure was improved alone with an increase in the convective heat transfer coefficient. The heat transfer effect of the entire system was also strengthened, in which the screw B exhibited the optimal heat transfer performance. Taking EPDM as a raw material, an experimental investigation was performed for the heat transfer performance of the conventional screw and field-coordinated torsional screw using a torsional extrusion technology combined with the parameters such as radial temperature difference and heat transfer coefficient of the machine head. The obtained results were consistent with the simulation, proving that the field-coordinated torsion screw can strengthen heat transfer and improve plasticization uniformity.

Key words: torsion element layout, heat transfer performance, convective heat transfer coefficient, plasticization uniformity, pressure characteristics