China Plastics ›› 2021, Vol. 35 ›› Issue (9): 40-45.DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.09.007

• Materials and Properties • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Influence of Drip Tape with Labyrinth on One Side on Thermal Oxidation Aging Resistance

LEI Zhenkai(), ZHANG Xi, GONG Jie, Kamran·POLAT   

  1. Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Product Quality Supervision and Inspection in Academe,National Center of Supervision & Inspection Water?Saving Equipment Product Quality,Urumqi,830011,China
  • Received:2021-03-02 Online:2021-09-26 Published:2021-09-23


The oxidation induction time (OIT) has been included in the new national standard for the drip tapes with labyrinth on one side. This brings new requirements for resistance to thermal and oxygen aging of the products. Based on the formulation of drip tapes, this article discusses the material?efficiency relationship between the raw materials for products and their OIT. The weight fraction of anti?aging master batch has the greatest impact on the OIT of drip tapes. The OIT of drip tapes can be improved through increasing their ratios. The addition amount of PE?HD can generate a much greater influence on the OIT than those of PE?LLD and PE?LD. The OIT of drip tapes can be improved by increasing the weight fraction PE?HD in the raw materials. Moreover, the reduction of the weight fraction of PE?LLD and PE?LD can lead to an increase in the weight fraction of PE?HD. The weight fraction of PE?LD had the least impact on the OIT. A reasonable weight fraction of PE?HD, PE?LLD, and PE?LD should be adopted through formula design to meet the requirements for good processing and other performance of drip tape. The weight fraction of stabilizer in the anti?aging master batch should not be reduced in spite of its cost. The OIT of drip tapes increases with an increase in the weight fraction of stabilizer. Through the characterizations of melt flow rate (MFR), carbon black content and OIT of drip belt, it was concluded that there was no obvious relationship between the MFR, the content of carbon black and OIT of drip tapes.

Key words: drip tape, oxidation induction time, resistance to thermal oxidative aging, raw material

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