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    Study on comprehensive properties and influencing factors of long glass fiber reinforced PA66 composites
    ZHANG Jiufu, LUO Kaiqiang, XU Jun, GUO Baohua
    China Plastics    2022, 36 (3): 1-8.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2022.03.001
    Abstract1622)   HTML773760)    PDF(pc) (2668KB)(1284)       Save

    Long glass fiber reinforced polyamide 66 (PA66/LGF) composites are widely used in automobile and other industries due to their excellent comprehensive performance. In this paper, the PA66/LGF composites were prepared by a custom?made melt impregnation equipment, and the mechanical properties, interfacial adhesion and other properties of PA66/LGF composites were characterized. The effects of a series of influence, such as the glass fiber content, lubricant content, compatibilizer content, and pellet length, on the comprehensive properties of composites were investigated. Finally, we summarized the optimal formula design and pellet length for the preparation of PA66/LGF composites. The tensile strength, the elongation at break, the flexural strength, the notched impact strength and the non?notched impact strength of the PA66/LGF composites with a glass fiber content of 43 % and a pellet length of 12 mm prepared in this study were 230 MPa, 7.1 %,369 MPa,62 kJ/m2,90 kJ/m2,respectively.

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    Effects of basalt fiber and steel fiber contents on properties of resin⁃based friction materials
    LIU Lang, LUAN Daocheng, HU Zhihua, WEN Kelin, ZHOU Xinyu, MI Shuheng, WANG Zhengyun
    China Plastics    2022, 36 (3): 33-39.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2022.03.006
    Abstract717)   HTML20)    PDF(pc) (2176KB)(635)       Save

    Friction materials were prepared using phenolic resin, nitrile rubber, barite, basalt fiber, and steel fiber as raw materials, and the effects of basalt fiber and steel fiber contents on their mechanical, friction, and wear properties were investigated. The results indicated that when the basalt fiber content varied from 10 to 25 wt%, the impact strength of the friction materials increased but their compression strength decreased with a decrease in the content of basalt fiber. An optimal coupling effect between the two reinforced fibers was obtained at a total fiber mass frication of 30 wt% and a mass ratio of basalt fiber to steel fiber of 1∶1. The friction coefficient of the friction materials was between 0.361 and 0.377, and their wear loss was 0.132 cm3/MJ. The wear test results indicated that the adhesive wear and fatigue wear were the major wear of the resin?based friction materials reinforced with basalt fiber and steel fiber.

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    Preparation and properties of TPEE/P(AA⁃co⁃AM) water absorbent elastomer
    HU Huanbo, WU Wei, LI Ning, ZHAO Tianyu, ZOU Zhiqiang
    China Plastics    2022, 36 (3): 9-14.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2022.03.002
    Abstract1086)   HTML267)    PDF(pc) (1422KB)(808)       Save

    To address the problems of low expansion rate in saline solution, poor saltwater absorption performance, and heat resistance of water absorbent elastomer (WSE), a new type of polyacrylic acid acrylamide [P(AA?co?AM)] salt?resistant water absorption resin was prepared through reverse suspension polymerization using acrylic acid (AA) and acrylamide (AM) as monomers. A water?absorbent expansive elastomer based on the thermoplastic polyether ester elastomer (TPEE) and P(AA?co?AM) blend. The effects of monomer ratio of AA to AM and crosslinking agent (N,N?methylene bisacrylamide, NMBA) content on the water absorption properties of P(AA?co?AM) were studied. Moreover, the water absorption properties and mechanical properties of WES prepared by self?made P(AA?co?AM) salt?resistant water absorption resin were investigated comparatively with a commercial water absorption resin, CPNaAA. The results indicated that P(AA?co?AM) exhibited optimal water absorption and water absorption performance at a mass ratio of AA to AM of 2.5∶1, a NMBA content of 0.05 wt%, a KPS content of 0.70 wt%, and a mass ratio of oil phase solution to water phase solution of 2.5∶1. The water absorption rate of P(AA?co?AM) to distilled water and brine was higher than that of the commercial water absorption resin. The increase of water absorption rate to brine was more significant. The TPEE/P(AA?co?AM) water?absorption expansive elastomer presented a fast water absorption rate at the initial stage, and its water absorption rate reached 80 wt% within 20 h. Then, the water absorption rate decreased gradually. The water?absorption expansive elastomer exhibited higher simultaneous water absorption rate, saturated water absorption rate, saturated water absorption time, the expansibility, extensibility, and flexibility after water absorption than those before water absorption. In summary, the TPEE/P(AA?co?AM) blend can act as a water?absorption expansive elastomer with excellent comprehensive performance.

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    Interview of Academician LI Jinghong
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 1-4.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.001
    Abstract596)   HTML278)    PDF(pc) (964KB)(343)       Save
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    Development and Application of PET/PE Alloy Sheet by Recycling Polyester
    ZHU Daofeng
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 100-104.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.014
    Abstract955)   HTML28)    PDF(pc) (1398KB)(1075)       Save

    The recycled polyethylene terephthalate (rPET) was blended and modified with the original linear low?density polyethylene (PE?LLD) and recycled polyethylene (rPE?HD) by using a self?made graft copolymer compatibilizer, respectively. The rPET/PE alloy sheet (mass ratio of 80∶20) was extruded by a co?rotating twin?screw extruder with drying?free and side?forced feeding system. The performance of rPET/PE alloy sheets with different thicknesses was researched . The results show that the appearance quality of the alloy sheet products prepared by using rPET maintains better. The rPET/PE alloy sheet has good mechanical properties. The tensile strength is greater than 39 MPa, and the elongation at break decreases with the increase of the thickness of the sheet. The tensile strength of 2.5 mm rPET/PE alloy sheet is 39.7 MPa, and the elongation at break is 21 %, and the impact strength is 12 kJ/m2. It is suitable for blister bags, geocells, etc. Drying?free and side forced feeding system can reduce the alloy sheet manufacturing processes, save energy , and the yield increased 117 %.

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    Degradation Recovery and Reuse of Waste Polyurethane Rigid Foams
    GU Xiaohua, LYU Shiwei, LIU Siwen, WANG Jiajia, KANG Yuanyuan
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 105-111.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.015
    Abstract1673)   HTML34)    PDF(pc) (1835KB)(957)       Save

    The two?component alcoholysis agents, ethylene glycol (EG) and propylene glycol (PG), were used to degrade the waste polyurethane (PU) rigid foams to obtain a degradation product, oligomer polyol. This degradation product was further used together with lignin as raw materials to prepare the composite materials based on the recycled polyurethane (r?PU) rigid foams. The degradation effect of PU products and the compressive strength, water absorption, thermal conductivity, microscopic morphology and stability heat of r?PU composite materials were investigated using thermal conductivity tester, scanning electron microscope, thermogravimetric analyzer, and Fourier?transform infrared spectrometer. The results indicated that the waste PU achieved an optimal degradation effect at a mass ratio of EG to PG of 2∶3 (mEGmPG). The foam cell wall was thick and relatively uniform, and the skeleton geometry was complete. The compressive strength of r?PU composites was 185.3 kPa and its thermal conductivity was 0.0215 W/(m·K). These data can meet the requirements of national standards.

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    Research on the Application of Co⁃simulation in the Reduced Design of Automotive Injection Parts
    ZHA Yan, ZHENG Fangli, XIAO Jian, YANG Weimin, XIE Pengcheng
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 112-116.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.016
    Abstract540)   HTML26)    PDF(pc) (3512KB)(406)       Save

    Reduction design is an effective way to realize the effective utilization of plastic product resources and the prevention and control of pollution sources. However, traditional simulation methods cannot accurately express the material properties of composite injection?molded parts. To improve their simulation accuracy, we designed a guide?rail?reduction structure to ensure that the overall stress level is within a safe range according to the fiber orientation and structural stress of the guide and the distribution situation. This design was based on a multi?scale co?simulation method with the timing chain guide rail of an automobile engine as an example. With this design, the maximum stress was reduced by 12 % and the mass was reduced by 4 %. This realizes the reduction design of the timing chain guide rail of the automobile engine.

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    Effect of Stereoscopic Composite Crystals on Foaming Behavior of PLA
    TANG Yujing, WANG Yaqiao, NI Jingyue, WANG Conglong, WANG Xiangdong
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 117-124.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.017
    Abstract878)   HTML24)    PDF(pc) (3087KB)(472)       Save

    This paper focused on the effects of stereoscopic composite (Sc) crystals induced by PDLA on the popularity and foaming behavior of the PLLA/PDLA blends. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) was introduced into the blends as a synergist. The effect of PTFE on the formation of Sc crystals was investigated, and the rheological and foaming behaviors of the blends were also studied. The results indicated that the content of Sc crystals was significantly increased when 0.5 wt.% PTFE was incorporated. The formation of Sc crystals improved the melt strength, promotes the cell nucleation of the blends. This effectively improved the foaming performance of PLA, resulting in the formation of the micro/nano?sized composite cells.

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    Study on Electrostatic Separation Process of Mixed Plastics from Waste Refrigerators
    LYU Huaixing, QIN Yufei, ZHAN Lu, NIU Yuanhang, XU Zhenming
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 131-135.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.019
    Abstract881)   HTML22)    PDF(pc) (1662KB)(448)       Save

    A mixed plastic crushing material obtained from waste refrigerators was sorted to ABS and PS?HI waste plastics by free falling electrostatic separator. The effects of raw material pretreatment and electrostatic separator process on separation efficiency were studied through notched impact strength, tensile strength and separation efficiency. The results indicated that the efficiency of electrostatic separation and the properties of products were improved obviously through controlling the lower moisture content of mixed plastics. The optimal separation efficiency and product performance were achieved at a voltage of electrostatic separation field of 27 kV and a feeding speed if 550 r/min. The highest separation efficiency of ABS and PS?HI along with the best mechanical properties was achieved with electrostatic separator distances of about 200 and 220 mm, respectively.

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    Technologies of Use⁃reduction and One⁃component Materials for Plastics Packaging Materials
    WANG Fuyu, GUO Jingqiang, ZHANG Yuxia, YANG Tao
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 136-145.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.020
    Abstract975)   HTML44)    PDF(pc) (2673KB)(1308)       Save

    This paper introduced the technologies and solutions for raw material use?reduction in the production of plastics packaging materials, which included the thinning of plastics films and containers, the structure simplification of packaging articles, the reusing and recycling of plastics packaging products and the use of recycled plastics materials as much as possible. The ideas and ways of large?scale using one?component materials in the manufacturing of plastics packaging materials were described.

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    Effect of Nucleating Agent on Crystallization and Properties of Poly(butylene succinate)
    LI Xiangyang, YANG Linzhu, ZHAI Guoqiang, GAO Wanqin, WANG Kezhi, LI Xungang
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 146-151.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.021
    Abstract912)   HTML20)    PDF(pc) (2434KB)(867)       Save

    This paper focused on the effect of hydrazide nucleating agent (TMC?300) on the crystallization and properties of poly(butylene succinate) (PBS). The effect of TMC?300 on the crystallization process, mechanical properties, thermal properties and shrinkage of PBS were investigated with differential scanning calorimeter, polarizing microscope, electron tension universal test machine, digital impact meter and thermal deformation micro?card temperature meter. The results indicated that the crystallization speed and crystallinity of PBS increased with the addition of TMC?300, and its crystal size was reduced significantly. Moreover, the crystallization temperature increased by 4.74 %, and the half?crystal time was shortened to 57 s with a decreased by 71.88 %. The nucleated PBS achieved a flexural modulus of 689.4 MPa, a heat distortion temperature of 89.6 °C and impact strength of 17.75 MPa, which increased by 9.5 %, 5.5 %, and 171.4 % respectively. This indicates a good balance among the rigidity and toughness and heat resistance. Although the shrinkage of PBS increased in the presence of TMC?300, the shrinkage ratio was closer to 1. This is easier to resolve the deformation and warpage problems occurring in PBS.

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    Review of Applications and Performance Evaluation Methods of Biodegradable Plastics
    DIAO Xiaoqian, WENG Yunxuan, FU Ye, ZHOU Yingxin
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 152-161.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.022
    Abstract1458)   HTML71)    PDF(pc) (1823KB)(1567)       Save

    This paper introduced the degradation mechanisms of biodegradable plastics and the evaluation standard test methods of biodegradability. Based on the degradation function of biodegradable plastics and their environmental conditions after abandoned, the suitable application fields of biodegradable plastics and products were analyzed and elaborated in view of the existing problems in the application and development of biodegradable plastics and products. Finally, the applications and development trend of biodegradable plastics were prospected.

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    Review of Recovery Technology and Standard Status of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
    ZHOU Yingxin, WENG Yunxuan, ZHANG Caili, DIAO Xiaoqian, SONG Xinyu
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 162-171.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.023
    Abstract1458)   HTML51)    PDF(pc) (1805KB)(2298)       Save

    This paper briefly introduced the recycling and application status of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) in recent years as well as the relevant standards and regulations at home and abroad. The research progress in the physical and chemical recovery technologies of PET was reviewed, and the characteristics of different recovery technologies were analyzed comparatively. This paper provides a reference for the future research of PET recycling.

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    Identification and Analysis of Microplastics by Micro Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
    TANG Qingfeng, LI Qinmei, WANG Jiamin, ZHANG Yuxiang, GAO Xia
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 172-180.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.024
    Abstract2066)   HTML65)    PDF(pc) (4408KB)(1642)       Save

    Micro Fourier?transform infrared spectroscopy (micro?FTIR) was used to analyze and identify microplastics with different particle sizes and different compositions. These microplastics include the plastic, fiber or rubber fragments with particle size less than 5 mm. The advantages and disadvantages of three measurement modes including reflection, transmission and attenuated total reflection and their scanning technologies in the identification and analysis of microplastics were systematically described. Based on the attenuated total reflection technique of micro?FTIR, the microplastic obtained from the Beijing landscape water were analyzed and identified. The results indicated that this method was simple, accurate and reliable.

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    Determination of Polylactic Acid and Other Components in Biodegradable Plastics Using Quantitative 1H⁃NMR Method
    CHEN Xinqi, BAI Yun, LIU Shanshan, GAO Xia, LIU Weili, ZHANG Mei, WU Yuwei, HUANG Yan, ZHAO Hongliang
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 181-188.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.025
    Abstract1677)   HTML47)    PDF(pc) (1554KB)(1198)       Save

    The contents of polylactic acid (PLA), poly(butylene succinate) (PBS) and poly(butylene adipate terephthalate) (PBAT) were detected by hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H?NMR) with 1,2,4,5?tetrachlorobenzene as the internal standard. The method identified the characteristic peaks of PLA, PBS and PBAT for quantitative analysis and established their quantitative calculation formulas. The results indicated that good linear relationships (R>0.99) were achieved among the characteristic peak area ratios of 1∶5~5∶1 for the internal standard substance and target substance. The relative standard deviations of the precision and repeatability of the three components were all lower than 3 %. The results indicated that this method was accurate, simple and feasible to detect the contents of PLA, PBS and PBAT. In addition, the contents of PLA, PBS and PBAT in 7 batches of commercial biodegradable shopping bags were determined, and the results demonstrated that the method was suitable for rapid determination of the contents of PLA, PBS, and PBAT in the biodegradable samples.

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    Study on Preparation and Properties of rPE/PA6 Blends under Tensile Flow Field
    HE Hezhi, WANG Yi, GAO Jun
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 189-194.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.026
    Abstract658)   HTML15)    PDF(pc) (3050KB)(400)       Save

    The blends of recycled polyethylene (rPE) and polyamide 6 (PA6) were prepared separately using a traditional twin?screw extruder and a novel eccentric rotor extruder. Their mechanical properties, thermal properties, dynamic thermomechanical behavior and microstructure were investigated. The results indicated that the young's modulus of the blends prepared with these two types of equipment increased significantly in the presence of PA6, but their elongation at break decreased sharply. The tensile strength of the blends prepared with the twin?screw extruder decreased slowly with an increase in the weight fraction of PA6, whereas the blends prepared with the eccentric rotor showed a decrease at first and then an increase in tensile strength. The two types of processing equipments had little effect on the crystallization and melting behaviors of the blends. The morphological analysis demonstrated that the blends prepared with the eccentric rotor extruder had better compatibility than that with the twin?screw extruder as confirmed by the difference between their glass transition temperatures. In conclusion, the eccentric rotor can generate a compulsory compatibilizing effect on the incompatible blending systems.

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    Study on Reuse Techniques of Hot Air Melting of Waste Plastics
    HUANG Xingyuan, PAN Liuwen, TAN Lei, WANG Han
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 195-199.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.027
    Abstract853)   HTML24)    PDF(pc) (2321KB)(514)       Save

    This paper proposed a hot air melting method for the reuse of waste plastics. With this method, the waste plastics was melted directly in the hot air and then extruded and palletized. There is no crashing needed in the whole process, generating no noise and dust accordingly. The temperature of hot air can be controlled easily, and therefore the degradation caused by overheating can be avoided. The waste heat can be reused through hot air recycling. Based the theoretical analysis, an experimental prototype was designed and manufactured, following by conducting a validation experiment.

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    Thinkings on Establishment of Systems for Sorting, Collecting and Managing Plastics Packaging Waste
    ZHANG Yuxia, YANG Tao
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 21-29.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.004
    Abstract1124)   HTML48)    PDF(pc) (2173KB)(836)       Save

    This paper introduced the current situation of plastics packaging industry and policies as well as the regulations for the treatment of plastics packaging waste in China. The respective responsibilities from government, companies and consumers for dealing with plastics packaging waste were analyzed. Some thinkings on the establishment of the systems for sorting, collecting and managing plastics packaging waste were proposed.

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    Opportunities and Challenges of Recycled Plastics Used for Food Contact under Background of Sustainable Development
    REN Zhaofang, LI Dan, PAN Jingjing, ZHONG Huaining, WANG Liang
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 30-36.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.005
    Abstract1572)   HTML68)    PDF(pc) (1113KB)(887)       Save

    As an important starting point and practice in the construction of national ecological civilization, the application of recycled plastics in food contact materials has been recognized as one of the key measures to deal with plastic waste pollution under the background of sustainable development. The management methods of recycled plastics for food contact applications in the European Union and the United States were discussed. The opportunities from the encouragement policies and the development of standardization for the application of recycled plastics as food contact materials were described. At the same time, the challenges such as contaminant migration and meeting the requirements of food safety standards were analyzed systematically. Some suggestions were proposed in view of various perspectives such as legislation, market supervision and safety assessment with the aim to provide references for Chinese government and manufacture enterprises of food contact materials in the application and control of recycled plastics.

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    Construction of High⁃value Plastics Tracing System
    DU Huanzheng, LU Sha, SUN Jian, SONG Shuwei
    China Plastics    2021, 35 (8): 37-43.   DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2021.08.006
    Abstract949)   HTML28)    PDF(pc) (1435KB)(922)       Save

    The development of plastic industry has made great contributions to the improvement of people’s living quality and convenience. However, the environmental pollution caused by improper waste disposal can not be ignored. The critical way to prevent and control the plastic pollution is to use, recycle and reuse plastics properly, which can prevent plastic wastes from leaking into the nature. In this sense, the construction of a high?value plastics recycling system has become the top priority. Traceability becomes the key power to achieve this goal, and the relevant policies and participation become the twin engines to promote the realization of the goal. This paper clarifies the conception of traceability and main traceable approaches, analyzes the domestic and international application scenarios, and points out the difficulties in tracing plastics in China. Based on the above results, some suggestions on the construction of traceability system in China were proposed together with the analysis for the specific elements, promoting its implementation in accordance with the corresponding policies.

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