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中国塑料 ›› 2023, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8): 118-126.DOI: 10.19491/j.issn.1001-9278.2023.08.017
• 综述 • 上一篇
朱家威1(), 潘威1, 黄士争1, MOHINI Sain2, 杨卫民3, 鉴冉冉1,2(
ZHU Jiawei1(), PAN Wei1, HUANG Shizheng1, MOHINI Sain2, YANG Weimin3, JIAN Ranran1,2(
JIAN Ranran
朱家威, 潘威, 黄士争, MOHINI Sain, 杨卫民, 鉴冉冉. 高速高强熔融沉积成型技术研究进展[J]. 中国塑料, 2023, 37(8): 118-126.
ZHU Jiawei, PAN Wei, HUANG Shizheng, MOHINI Sain, YANG Weimin, JIAN Ranran. Research progress in high⁃speed and high⁃strength fused deposition molding technology[J]. China Plastics, 2023, 37(8): 118-126.
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